mametzwood now with 100% more mould (yum!)

i bid you welcome

my name is will not-short-for-william & welcome to my own little corner of the world wide web.

this site is my own personal wunderkammer - that is to say, a collection of everything i hold dear, laid out nicely just for you. i have a growing archive of my favourite media, as well as my digital living dead doll collection, my (infrequently updated) journal, and my original character gallery.

take a look around! enjoy yourself!
it's later than you think.
Mametz Wood, Owen Shears
For years afterwards the farmers found them –

the wasted young, turning up under their plough blades

as they tended the land back into itself.

A chit of bone, the china plate of a shoulder blade,

the relic of a finger, the blown

and broken bird’s egg of a skull,

all mimicked now in flint, breaking blue in white

across this field where they were told to walk, not run,

towards the wood and its nesting machine guns.

And even now the earth stands sentinel,

reaching back into itself for reminders of what happened

like a wound working a foreign body to the surface of the skin.

This morning, twenty men buried in one long grave,

a broken mosaic of bone linked arm in arm,

their skeletons paused mid dance-macabre

in boots that outlasted them,

their socketed heads tilted back at an angle

and their jaws, those that have them, dropped open.

As if the notes they had sung

have only now, with this unearthing,

slipped from their absent tongues.

The current mood of mametzwood at

watching: severance season 1, house md season 5
listening to: saint motel & the symphony in the sky
playing: hey! pikmin
drinking: dr pepper

now playing...
cities in dust - siouxsie and the banshees
black hole sun - soundgarden
o superman - laurie anderson
forever young - alphaville
your painted smile - bryan ferry
goodbye horses - q lazzarus
eyes without a face - carpenter brut
ft. kristoffer rygg